Cocoa Maker 2 - Syntax


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Cocoa Maker


James (, joined by, Eduardo (, Noah (, and Martin (, teaches about the syntax of cocoa, how equations work in cocoa, how to do if statements, functions, and classes.33:56Example code from episode.Example 1 - If Statements and Equations#import int times(int value, int by);int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; int value = 1230; NSLog(@"Value: %d", value); NSLog(@"Value: %d", value%500); NSLog(@"Value: %d", value/100); NSLog(@"Value: %d", times(value, 4232)); if (value>1242) { NSLog(@"%d is greater then 1242", value); } else if (value>=1242) { NSLog(@"%d is greater then or equal to 1242", value); } else if (value<1240) { NSLog(@"%d is less then 1242", value); } else if (value<=1240) { NSLog(@"%d is less then or equal to 1242", value); } [pool drain]; return 0;}int times(int value, int by) { int returnValue = value*by; return returnValue;}Example 2 - Classes and Methods #import #import "MGMCalculation.h"int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool * pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; MGMCalculation *calculation = [[MGMCalculation alloc] init]; [calculation setAmount:572]; [calculation setCurrencyExchange:3]; int amount = [calculation calculate]; NSLog(@"%d", amount); [calculation release]; [pool drain]; return 0;}MGMCalculation.h #import @interface MGMCalculation : NSObject { int amount; int currencyExchange;}- (int)amount;- (void)setAmount:(int)theAmount;- (int)currencyExchange;- (void)setCurrencyExchange:(int)theCurrencyExchange;- (int)calculate;@endMGMCalculation.m #import "MGMCalculation.h"@implementation MGMCalculation- (id)init { if (self = [super init]) { amount = 0; currencyExchange = 0; } return self;}- (int)amount { return amount;}- (void)setAmount:(int)theAmount { amount = theAmount;}- (int)currencyExchange { return currencyExchange;}- (void)setCurrencyExchange:(int)theCurrencyExchange { currencyExchange = theCurrencyExchange;}- (int)calculate { return amount*currencyExchange;}@endKeynote used in this EpisodeKeynote in PDF Format