Combo Creation with Ebony Qualls


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Yallah Raqs


So, I don’t know about you, but there was QUITE a while where I struggled to come up with combos. How to attach moves together, putting them to music, ugh, it felt like some magical skill that other people seemed to have in droves, but that I was holding the book upside down and backwards on.   Ebony is one of those amazing people. With her Urban Fusion Technique & Choreography class, which you’ll get to try in the 2021 Bundle, she is constantly coming up with new combos and dances to challenge both herself and her students, so I wanted to dig in today and see what tips and tricks we could get on how she creates her combos to see if it could work for some of us.   From how she creates combos to the differences in creating something for practice vs the stage, Ebony takes us through her process of creating combos and choreographies in today’s episode.   Check out her combo for today’s challenge as well as all her socials on the podcast page: