Comic Book Couples Counseling Special


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AIPT Comics


In this special episode, we skip the news and reviews and focus on our special guest interview with the Comic Book Couples Counseling podcasters Lisa and Brad!We also play Superfight and pit multiple couples against each other with the most ridiculous scenarios and ask Brad and Lisa to give their educated guess on who would win. You can follow Comic Book Couples Counseling on Twitter, check out their website, and their Patreon too.Segment - Interview: Comic Book Couples Counseling - Lisa and BradSo tell our listeners a bit about your show! How did you develop the concept for the podcast?What is your podcast prep process like?Brad, you recently mentioned that the show might have to end if and when you cover Lois and Clark. Are they the one true pairing in all of comics? If not, who is?To flip that, is there any comics couple you wouldn’t cover?Do you find that your podcast colors the way you read anything else that’s not for the show, or is this kind of how you’ve always looked at these kinds of stories?Spinning out of that, do you find that you’re only reading for the show, or do you feel like these are the books you’d gravitate to anyway?What has been the most surprising couple to research and talk about? The ones with more wrinkles and layers than you expected?Now, you two have much more available than just the main feed, correct? You’re diving into ALL of Sandman now. How has that discovery/rediscovery been?Do you have a “white whale” creator or creative team you’d like to have on your show?You started your podcast in December 2018, if you could go back and give yourselves advice, would you and what would it be?You also offer Patreon special access, can you talk a little about that?Segment: Super Fight Lightning RoundDinah & OllieScott & JeanJean & WolverineAlec & AbbyReed & SueDick & Babs Peter & Mary JaneHarley & IvySUPER SECRET LIGHTNING ROUND:Do you have any comfort food series you turn to to brighten your week?If you could have one super power what would it be?Favorite mode of procrastination?When is your anniversary?Apple or Android?Marvel or DC?If a train is travelling from Chicago at 50 miles an hour, and a Logan is shink’ing at 100 miles per hour, launched from the moon via a Galactus fastball special, how quickly would you buy that comic?