Conquer Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout with EFT and EMDR | Elisa Calosso


Listens: 7

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Burnout - a word we hear all too often these days. The symptoms are far-reaching – from anxiety and depression to cognitive impairments that can hinder decision-making abilities.

But what exactly is burnout and how do you recognize and prevent it?

In this podcast episode:

  • A work culture that prioritizes self-care can be transformative - Think reflection days and realistic workloads for sustainable productivity.
  • Holistic practices like EFT aren’t fringe anymore—they're becoming mainstream in corporate settings as companies recognize their value in employee health.
  • EMDR therapy works wonders beyond war veterans—it helps process all kinds of trauma including workplace-induced ones.

Elisa Calosso knows burnout and anxiety all too well. Once an HR professional at a Fortune 500 company, she faced severe anxiety due to burnout. But rather than let it define her life, Elisa took charge. She founded Uflourish Coaching with the mission to help others navigate workplace stress before it spirals into burnout.

Listen to the podcast to learn why techniques like EFT and EMDR are not fringe and just for veterans but also applicable in everyday stressful situations.


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