Converge21-Wendy Badger on Whistleblower Programs That Foster Speak Up Culture


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CONVERGE is in its 6th year of bringing together the world’s leading companies for 2 days of dynamic speakers, thought-provoking breakout sessions, and opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals. This year the conference has gone virtual. You will leave the conference with new resources and best practices allowing you to continue the hard work of driving ethics to the center of your business. In today’s episode I visit with Wendy Badger. We visit about her presentation at Converge21 on Whistleblower Programs That Foster Speak Up Culture. A successful whistleblowing program doesn't start with installing a helpline–it starts with fostering an environment that protects whistleblowers, makes them feel supported, and makes clear the value they bring to the business. So how do you build that "speak-up culture?" Join this session to hear from a panel of practitioners who manage whistleblowing programs and whistleblower advocates who'll share their insights, experiences, and challenges they've faced. For more information go to Converge21.