Cool Yule -- Historical Fantasy author Lorrieann Russell


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Lorrieann Russell is back on the show to celebrate Cool Yule with me -- reading a sneak peek from her next release, In the Wake of Ashes and talking about her latest release, My Brother's Keeper. We'll talk about all things William Fylbrigge tonight! Please join us!My Brother's Keeper**Available in ebook and paperback formats** Scottish noble William Fylbrigge has finally come into his own after being named as the Earl of Sutherland and heir to Lord Edward, the Duke of Stonehaven -- titles that his older brother Thomas always expected would be his own. With the assistance of some dangerous new allies, including the corrupt but powerful Bishop Dunkirk, Thomas and his dragon wife Bryndah level the charge of witchcraft against the new Earl, threatening his life and family, and all those who support him. Especially since the charge may more true than they imagined. Will the people he has led the charge to protect now come to his side in his time of need?