Cosmogony CT050


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Celtic Tomes

Society & Culture

The Religion of the Ancient Celts (1911) Chapter 15: Cosmogony by J. A. MacCulloch The Celts may have possessed the Heaven and Earth myth, but all trace of it has perished. There are, however, remnants of myths showing how the sky is supported by trees, a mountain, or by pillars. Names Used in this Section Uranus Gæa Kronos Dyaus Prithivi Indra Eleusinia Brigit and Patrick drochet bethad drochaid na flaitheanas Tuatha Dé Danann M. D'Arbois Senchus Mór Gargantua Partholan and Nemed Nevyd Dwyvan and Dwyfach Apollonius  Eridanus  Belenos Badb  Voluspa   Religion of the Ancient Celts can be found on Sacred Texts. You can find out more about J. A. McCulloch on Wikipedia. Try the Celtic Myth Podshow for a dramatic re-telling of the Tales and Stories of the Ancient Celts at or in Apple Podcasts. Our theme music is "Gander at the Pratie Hole" by Sláinte.  You can find their music on the Free Music Archive.