Creating Mental And Emotional Resilience In The Era Of Uncertainty


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The Gentle Yoga Warrior's Conscious Conversations To Help You Grow And Discover Who You Are


I’m your host, The Gentle Yoga Warrior and today is going to be life-changing! We have a fantastic guest on the show today who is going to help you I am sure.Please welcome today …Optimal Physical and Mental Health Strategist,: Gunther Mueller!  I particularly wanted to speak To Gunther today as from studying his website I got the impression from his words that we don’t need to fix ourselves, we are great as we are right now, and we can magnetically and abundantly attract the things we want in life.  How, might you ask? … all will be revealed!Gunther Mueller has spent the better part of the last decade working closely with over 300 medical professionals, in a variety of specialties, assisting them in bringing life-changing therapies to their patients that help them Feel Young, Healthy, and Vibrant again. Gunther delivers the education, insights, and sometimes complex information in simple, easy to understand conversation that inspires people to act and take charge of their own life now.Gunther is extremely excited to be sharing the revolutionary Magnetic Mind Method that is taking the personal development movement by storm so that clients can learn how to turn “Thoughts Into Things” and become Conscious Creators instead of just responding and reacting to whatever life just seems to throw at you. If there was only one thing to learn to finally create, experience, and live a life that you absolutely LOVE!...then this is it!Gunther's websiteRate the showThe gentle Yoga Warrior's social media links#life#create#meaning#reality#present moment#desire#experience#uncertainty#manifestation#feel#Conscious Conversations#Podcast show#Inspiring talks#Yoga Warrior#yoga#Change your life#starseed#spirit#grow#self-help#abundance#meditation Support the show (