Daf Yomi: Succah 15


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Rabbi Shmuel Silber - Institute for Jewish Continuity

Religion & Spirituality

TALMUD TORAH: •Max & Brenda Lapkovsky in honor of Yitzhak Meir's upcoming Bar Mitzva. • Riva Mitzner In commemoration of the first yartzheit of her father Larry Schneck, MD, Aryeh ben Chaim z''l • Jack Bennett in honor of Sargent עומר טביב z’l, who was killed by a Hamas Anti-Tank Missile on the Gaza border on May 12, 2021. WEEK OF LEARNING: • Aaron & Alana Weinberg in honor of their daughter's bas mitzvah, Adina Hinda. DAY OF LEARNING: • Ringo and Rom Families in Toronto in appreciation to Rabbi Silber for the inspiring and moving Tisha B’av kinos service. Also, a special thanks to Moishe Abramson for coordinating the technical support as always.