Daf Yomi: Succah 17


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Rabbi Shmuel Silber - Institute for Jewish Continuity

Religion & Spirituality

TALMUD TORAH: Max & Brenda Lapkovsky in honor of Yitzhak Meir's upcoming Bar Mitzva. Riva Mitzner In commemoration of the first yartzheit of her father Larry Schneck, MD, Aryeh ben Chaim z''l Jack Bennett in honor of Sergeant עומר טביב z’l, who was killed by a Hamas Anti-Tank Missile on the Gaza border on May 12, 2021. WEEK OF LEARNING: Aaron & Alana Weinberg in honor of their daughter's bas mitzvah, Adina Hinda. DAF YOMI: Matt Marks on the one-year anniversary of moving to Baltimore and joining this fantastic Daf Yomi shiur. I look forward to meeting more of you in the upcoming year.