Danielle from There's A Book dishes on books, blogging and book blogging!


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That's How I Blog!


I am the mother of two wonderful children, The Turkeybird and Littlebug, just under two years apart in age and wife to an amazing husband who was recently accepted to the California Bar Association. Yay! When two toddlers aren't consuming my every thought I like to do other things like read, write, watch movies, play the flute, listen to music and oh yes, blog! I've had an affinity for books since I was very young and promptly had it squashed by brooding high school English teachers. Fortunately though, my constantly-reading children and my fabulous husband (who happens to be an English major) helped to rekindle the love of my youth, books. Because I found it so difficult to find the right books for my children, especially after The Turkeybird was born, I decided to start my site to help others who may also be struggling to find the right books as well. Ultimately, it was my newly discovered passion for children's books that gave me the push to get my site There's A Book started and I haven't looked back.