Darrius Marcellin - an immigrant’s success story and how he used fear of failure to fuel success!


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Life And Lemonade with Leah Marville


Darrius was born in the small borough of San Juan in Trinidad in the Caribbean, where running water was only available two days per week and sometimes the electricity would go off. In the community, you learn how to function with the hand dealt and you find moments of joy with family and the village but what is certain is that opportunities don't run rampant there. This is where migration to America becomes an attractive, though onerous, decision for families. A mother leaves her kids to make a better life. Darrius is one of the thousands of immigrant stories to America. But looking at him you could not tell. When you do look at him, you see a successful actor on the big screen in Hollywood, one of the most exclusive nightclub promoters in NYC - curating experiences for celebrities, the owner of a restaurant and a thriving young man! But there's a bridge of life that brought him from San Juan to Hollywood and that's where the gems, the failures and the life lessons are - the truth behind the glamour. In this episode, we walk the bridge with Darrius, to explore the mindset that had him earning 6 figures by his Junior college year and that keeps success on his doorstep.