Daunte Wright, the AAPI Community, and the State of America's Race Relations


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Happily Opinionated

Society & Culture

In this episode, Adam and Beth talk through the painful reality of where America is today in race relations. Daunte Wright's tragic death and the continual harassment being perpetrated against the AAPI community can’t go unnoticed. Although these subjects are difficult and discouraging, it’s important we keep a spotlight on these issues and advocate for social justice for these marginalized communities. Our hope is that you are motivated to do your part as an ally. And if you are a person who is part of a marginalized community that is being targeted by harassment, know that you are seen, loved, and believed by us.Some websites we shared on the pod:HollabackStop AAPI HateLove Happily Opinionated? Share us with a friend. The best way for us to keep doing what we do is if more people can find us and we need your help. Thank you, friends. Follow Us and React:  InstagramTwitterFacebook What's your opinion on today's episode? We'd love to hear your thoughts - some we may even read during our next show. Shoot us a message on IG, Twitter, or FB!