Dead Dad Podcast Episode 08 : Gavin Huxford


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Dead Dad Podcast


Gavin and I enjoy an open chat on what it is like to be an orphan. He lost his dad to a motorbike accident and his mum to cancer. We talk about feeling helpless, lonely, having dark thoughts, and we also touch on the funniest and strangest thing someone has said to Gavin about his mum dying. Gavin tells me how much trouble he had forging and keeping a strong, open and communicative relationship with his mum (or anyone) after his dad died. The grief he felt following the loss of his dad, coupled with his mum’s illness left him with a lot of pain to deal with (or ignore). Gavin can’t be sure if losing his parents young gave him his wanderlust, instead he simply says that it is a product of him wanting to be happy and a decent bloke.