Debunking 3 Personal Branding Myths


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Posed for Success


Ready to debunk personal branding myths that I hear all of the time? This is important for you to hear at any stage in your business journey, because they are the basis of personal branding that people mess up all the time. So let’s set the record straight today.1. You have to look or act a certain way in order to have a successful brand.We are not robots….we are not machines….we are not the stepford wives...we are humans. Humans who run, own, and operate businesses. The point in thinking of yourself as a brand isn’t that you create an alter-ego that you call your personal brand. It’s not that your personal brand all of a sudden is this super-human, polished, robotic persona of you. That’s all wrong. The actual point of a personal brand is to become authentic and intentional. The best way to become more human in your brand is to know who you are and then accept that enough to tell your story. 2. You have to be an extrovert to have a personal brandMany people who are successful and are building personal brands are actually introverts. So how do we balance between showing up online and being an introvert? A lot of it has to do with boundaries and understanding where to draw the line. The best example of this is Jenna Kutcher. She is the queen of batching and this is one way that she is able to be successful and an introvert -because she protects her time and energy.This is not to say that extroverts have it easy. They certainly deal with many things as well, but just remember...if you happen to be an introvert, it doesn’t mean that you can’t have a successful personal brand.3. You have to have a certain number of followers to be successful.This could be likes, followers, subscribers, downloads, anything. There is no magic number that you need to hit in order to be successful. In fact, you are the only one who gets to determine what success is for you. There are thousands of broke “influencers” and thousands of thriving businesses with small followings. What matters most is finding what works for you and your brand. And this mostly means that you need to treat each and every follower with respect and understand that they are a human being, not a cash cow. I’ve worked with many women entrepreneurs who have very small followings but generate multiple 6 figures and are living the lifestyle that they want. It’s because they’ve worked with me and understand that by getting clear on who they serve and how to best serve them, they can produce the results that they are promising and can generate the revenue that they need. And you can do the same. Start by serving who you have and stop focusing on the numbers. Your consistency and authenticity is going to get you to where you want to be far faster than if you focus solely on numbers.