Delivering Customer-centric Experiences by Biju Damodharan


Listens: 135

Avantika Designeering Series


Customer obsession is not a constant dedication to the thinking that “the customer is always right.” It is not a new trend that has just begun to make its presence on Twitter, in marketing blogs, and in the huddle rooms of marketing teams. Customer obsession is the outside-in business approach that utilizes data-driven insights. It increases the lifetime value of customers by continuously providing them with quality and meaningful experiences. But how does customer obsession helps in delivering customer-centric experiences? In this episode, we interact with Biju Damodharan, Manager of Design at Amazon. He has spent over a decade and a half designing and leading design teams that crafted User Experience Design for Online Communication Products, Enterprise Business Applications, Network Management Products, and Online Products for Small Business. Let's know more about his journey and experiences in the latest episode of "Avantika Designeering Series", “Delivering Customer-centric Experiences”. You can connect with Biju on Twitter @bijudamodharan. Don't forget to subscribe to our show and share your comments on