Democracy's Missing Arsenal: Bloodshed Universal-Slavery Triumphant


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Virtually Speaking

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This is the world of Democracy's Missing Arsenal, an alternate history thought experiment that chronicles world events in the century following a Confederate victory in the Civil War. In Volume One--A Nation Sundered-A World Engulfed--authors Michael King and John Bredehoft described how the success of Robert E. Lee's September 1862 invasion of the North and the aftermath.  Volume Two--Bloodshed Universal-Slavery Triumphant--King and Bredehoft chronicle an alternate "Great War of 1914-1918" whose scope and devastation vastly exceeds the World War One of our history. At the end Imperial Germany emerges master of Europe, seconded by a revivified Habsburg dominion. Reminded by Confederate consultants that "Slav" shares a linguistic root with "slave," and inspired by the Confederacy's emergence as a viable model for industrial and military development based on human bondage, Germany and Austria-Hungary restore serfdom to the Eurasian hearyland.