DHE #154 - GME, Financials, Musk, and More


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Discourse of Human Events


In this episode we make a bet on the price of GME five years down the line. Can GME reinvent itself? #gamestop #gme #amc #nok #gamestonk #stonk #ilikethestock #wsb #wallstreet #wallstreetbets #nucking #nuckingaround #nuckingabout #dhe #discourseofhumanevents Recorded: 2/13/21 Subscribe to Us on iTunes! Website: discourseofhumanevents.com Email: zach@discourseofhumanevents.com Donate: Paypal Intro and outro music provided by Brad Sucks under Creative Commons. Go listen to his music, it's awesome. Intro clip provided by Joe Rogan Experience #935 from Robb Wolf.