Discussing "NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES" with Psychic Medium Angelo & Psychic Shirley Bolstok


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Wrestling With The Future


What Happens When We Die? What Happens After Death? Is there life after death? What REALLY happens when we die? Tonight join myself Psychic Angelo and my esteemed panel of guests including Psychic Shirley Bolstok, Bible Teacher Justin Carpenter, Author Mary Ann Howard and Healer Crystal Clearbrook as we discuss the afterlife, the "After, After Life", near death trauma and what its like on the "Other Side". You will be certain to debate this episode for weeks to come. FOR MORE HELP, PLEASE GO HERE: https://lifehopeandtruth.com/life/life-after-death/?utm_campaign=Booklet%20-%20Last%20Enemy%3A%20Live%20Forever%3F&utm_source=ppc&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvIqw3bfZ7wIV_QeICR2CLQ4ZEAAYAiAAEgL5afD_BwE SUICIDE PRRVENTION HELPLINE:  IF YOU NEED HELP PLEASE CALL!!! National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish. Learn more 800-273-8255 https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/