Divorce Recovery: Dealing with Emotions, Finding Closure, and Moving On | Anja Plumb


Listens: 11

Coach Professionally


Divorce is a life-altering event that brings a whirlwind of emotions and significant changes. 

Navigating this period involves managing all the emotions and finding closure, especially when children are involved. Effective emotional processing and creating a supportive environment are crucial for healing and moving forward positively. 

In this episode, Anja Plumb, a specialist coach in divorce and post-divorce support, explains the common issues that arise after a divorce.

We explore:

  • Managing emotions
  • Rebuilding identities
  • Navigating new relationships
  • The benefits of seeking professional coaching during and after divorce.

Tune in to learn what's needed to survive and thrive after a divorce.


Connect with Anja Plumb


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