Does the 4-day week really work? With Andrew Barnes


Listens: 72

Culture Matters


Andrew Barnes is an innovator, entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is also the pioneer of the 4-day work week movement. His organization, Perpetual Guardian, piloted the very first version of the 4-day week many years ago, and Andrew wrote a whole book about it.

In this conversation, we learn about how Andrew came up with the 4-day week idea on a long haul flight, why we are all collectively time poor, how to setup a 4-day week trial, and a whole lot more.

Key topics

  • Highlights from Andrew's career
  • How Andrew stumbled upon the 4-day week idea
  • The way we work hasn't evolved in the last century
  • We've all become collectively time poor
  • Structuring the 4-day week at Perpetual Guardian
  • Will people revert back to working 5 days a week?
  • Does the 4-day week require a high trust culture?
  • The value of beginning with a trial
  • The state of ongoing trials across the world
  • Will the rise of AI accelerate the adoption of the 4-day week?
  • Being time rich will afford us the time to upskill
  • Does the future of work have 4 working days in it?