Doing What You Say You're Going To Do


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Texas Real Estate Radio Network


Hey good evening everyone this is Robert with the world renowned Mr Texas real estate this is the Texas real estate radio network Hey. Preciado him back a little family business take care but we're back now on the on the air my partner Jason is a little under the weather today. I guess we officially said that code was done about 4 weeks ago so I would started shaking hands and hugging him and not wearing mask in tight spaces and while he didn't get covert he certainly got that head cold that is going around I had it last week it was miserable as the first summer cold in 2 years right so. I'm back to fist pumping in face mask wearing because that was not fun. Anyway so we're gonna carry on today we're gonna talk about doing this is a critical thing in our business. Doing what you say you're going to do. James really really important and and many many many levels and so. Are we can we can dive into that pretty deep here today so but as always we have the month of July coming up here so we July 1 and we have a really really big July for mastermind folks we're gonna run a promotion in July so if you plan on buying the mastermind today June 30 don't we're gonna go ahead and get that out there July there's gonna be a little bonus and and fun little exercise for folks and so we're in a little special the mastermind in July we want to bring some people in should be exciting we've got a 3 day mastermind coming up we're gonna talk about attracting the deals and money to yourself and how we go about doing that even at a lower level and and how to make you guys successful. In real state very very quickly so. Again big big month for mastermind is gonna be July we'll do some commercials matter fact Iraq after this show we have to record a at 3 in the whatever 3 minute 40 seconds something rather we'll do that on the mastermind you guys hear that off through July as we start getting closer and closer to the the third week yeah third week of July we're gonna have a big event some. It is pretty big we got people coming from Pittsburgh from northeast we have people now coming in from California all about Texas real estate so we have people coming in from across the country. We just wanna bring them on the air at some point next week one of our guys. Quit his job and came to Texas and is now part of our E. X. P. team as an agent N. R. number one recruiter and he's doing great he's he's an adult who can figure things out so we we always like that we look at smart people around us so he is hit it pretty hard the point being here. You're living in one of the hottest markets in the country and if you haven't already added real estate to your portfolio now is the time and again all the things that are keeping you back from doing that will just not does all side if you join the mastermind so again people all across the country are coming here to Houston and Corpus Christi and San Antonio and that's much Austin there get a little flabbergasted Austin but you know and and anywhere in Conroe wow camerawork splitting right so these people know the city's it's really really interesting where talking to folks in California like Hey tell me about Conroy I heard all about Conroy wow really I I barely think about Conroy but it's on your brain let's let's go into it and talk about the leaks of dare talk about the community thought about some of the fastest growing communities here in Texas on the on the north side of a very affluent area called the woodlands and you know we just sort of drive by it complain about the traffic on the way to Dallas right. They were wishing that maybe there's a Bucky's little further along around we're just getting off of their you know Bucky's but holy cow guys. Massive amounts of money coming in to Conroe was in the new York times right so again these folks are coming from all around the country and looking at your backyard . Copyright Mr. Texas Real Estate @ 2021