Domestic abuse against men with the Paul Lavelle Foundation


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I welcomed Paul Gladwell from the Paul Lavelle Foundation onto the show this week. The Paul Lavelle Foundation was set up few years ago in honour of Paul Lavelle who sadly lost his life due to domestic abuse. Their is a stigma attached around male domestic abuse and it isn't spoken about enough. Paul tell's us how there is a lot of work to be done to raise awareness around the subject and that roughly 780,000 men suffer from domestic abuse  each year and that's only from recorded cases. The Lavelle foundation is doing some great things to raise awareness and have set up a lot of different groups for men to get involved in like cycling clubs,running and swimming clubs. It was a pleasure to speak to Paul today and if you'd like to follow the work they are doing they are on twitter @paullavellefoun and instagram @paul_lavelle_foundation