Dork Knights #21 - Look At Me!


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Dork Knights


In which The Dimwitted Duo is back to buisness as usual. Except that it isn't, as the duo briefly becomes a trio! Bringing along a special guest, MB and Byrd are treated to something no one would have expected as they sit through a detailed review of a movie so shocking, and so vile, that it may or may not feature C-list comic book characters. From the most legitimately disturbing scene you'll ever hear described from a porno, and the creation of the bizarre continuity, to offense being taken at a cure for all known diseases, Below The Bible Belt's James Lewis - a.k.a Hero, joins The Dork Knights for a special episode that requires the combined effort of three to properly pull off. It starts with a flashback of what?!THE DORK KNIGHT... HIT A SNAG?!THE BYRD WONDER... ON THE RAG?!THE BANEFUL HERO FORCED TO SHAG?!Tune in to find out!- - -And don't forget to listen to Below The Bible Belt, featuring Hero and Byrd - now on iTunes! Southern Hospitality, delivered monthly.