DWP002 UN General Debate 2018 – Preparation


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Debate Watch Podcast

News & Politics

The General Debate 2018 starts in a few hours. While I'm waiting I watch statements and Press Briefings of people working at the UN to learn more about this organisation. The former PGA Miroslav Laj?ák is talking about his past year at the head of the General Assembly and talks about his achievements and the problems that he sees at the UN. Like that reaching the SDGs until 2030 hasn't become easier. The new PGA starts more optimistic and gets the question from the media what she wants to do differently because every President wants to achieve a lot and doesn't hold the promises made most of the time. The Secretary-General has to answer questions about conflicts around the world, while his Spokeperson is telling us some general nrs and informations about the coming General Debate and the UN funding which is still problematic. The permanent representation of the US is also giving a Press Briefing and informs us about all the events that the media will cover in great detail because Trump will be part of them during the High-level week. During all this everyone has to talk about Multilateralism and how important or not so important it is. The UN sees it as the only way to solve the global problems the international community is facing, while the US thinks sovereignty is and should be more important for every state. At the end I can't wait for the start of the General Debate because the trailer promises: "watch as history is made".