E150: YouTube celeb Attorney; Mat Sorenson on Self Directed IRAs and Solo 401Ks - avoid UBIT & UDFI


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Capital Hacking


Mat Sorensen is a real estate investor, co-host of the Mainstreet Business Podcast, and an attorney with KKOS Lawyers. He is also the author of the best-selling The Self Directed IRA Handbook. In this episode we are joined by our friend Scott Bindas and talk to Mat about investing in real estate through retirement accounts. Mat is an expert in the Self Directed IRA space, and gives us an introduction on the history of these accounts and how they can be used for alternative investments. He breaks down how to set one up and buy property through it. We then dive into the world of the Solo 401K, who qualifies for one and how it could be used instead of a Self Directed account. Mat also compares UBIT (unrelated business income tax) and UDFI (unrelated debt-financed income) in relation to these retirement accounts. Reference Links KKOS Lawyers https://kkoslawyers.com/ The Self Directed IRA Handbook https://www.amazon.com/Self-Directed-IRA-Handbook-Authoritative-ebook/dp/B00HLNSMU4/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1603483458&sr=1-2 Mainstreet Business Podcast https://tunein.com/podcasts/Legal/Main-Street-Business-p1059552/