E21: The Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program In Ohio-Approaches to Serve Youth Ages 14-24


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Promoting Workforce Innovation


This episode features a general overview of the Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) in Ohio which began July 1, 2016 and continues as a formal connection of WIOA and TANF for youth 14-24.  A variety of special approaches have been used, particularly in the Cincinnati/Hamilton County market where exploration of MindShift/WordShift was underway as the program rolled out in Cincinnati and Hamilton County.  You'll hear a story of a young person whose life was changed dramatically for the better due to her participation and commitment to the offerings of the CCMEP program.  There is also discussion among the leaders in Cincinnati/Hamilton County for this program relative to possible improvements for the program and how the program might change with a shift in the strength of the economy.