E33: Jordan Paris | Growth Mindset University - How to Build A Business Around Your Podcast


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Starting It Up


Jordan Paris is the 22-year-old host of the Growth Mindset University Podcast, the author of Growth Mindset University and the newly released, The Podcast Playbook.     Jordan’s podcast, Growth Mindset University, was ranked #3 in Apple’s Training category and #5 in the How-To category. In Education, one of Apple’s most competitive categories, the show was ranked #15. On the show, he interviews young up-and-comers and some of the most successful people on planet earth like James Altucher, Kevin Rudolf, Mark Manson, Dan Millman, Naveen Jain, and Dan Lok.   We talk about what steps to take to turn a podcast or any other type of side hustle into a business, how to produce quality content, what it means to have a “growth mindset”, and much more!   Shownotes:   Connect with Jordan:  LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordantparis Website: https://www.jordanparis.com  Growth Mindset University Podcast: https://www.jordanparis.com/podcast Growth Mindset University Book: https://smile.amazon.com/Growth-Mindset-University-Anything-Control-ebook-dp-B07MNP7HHM/dp/B07MNP7HHM/ref=mt_kindle?_encoding=UTF8&me=&qid= [New Release] The Podcast Playbook: https://smile.amazon.com/Podcast-Playbook-Winning-Audience-Podcaster-ebook/dp/B07ZP9TZ6F/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2AY3O0ICJEIAW&keywords=the+podcast+playbook&qid=1580094609&s=digital-text&sprefix=the+podcast+pl%2Cdigital-text%2C140&sr=1-1: Free Podcasting Course: https://www.jordanparis.com/couse Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/i.am.jordan.paris/