E53: The Persistent Problem of Post-Accident Drug Testing


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EHS on Tap: The Podcast for EHS Professionals


Post-accident drug testing is one of the most persistent problems for occupational health and safety managers. The issue has been complex for some time, but the recent patchwork of state regulations surrounding the legalization of cannabis (or marijuana) adds a whole other level of potential confusion. So for today’s episode, sponsored by OraSure, we’re going to chat with a drug testing expert about what you need to know. Joining us today on the podcast is Bill Current, President of the Current Consulting Group and a 30-year veteran of the drug testing industry. Bill is the author of 10 books on substance abuse-related issues and a regular presenter at conferences, seminars, workshops, and webinars, and he is widely considered one of the leading experts on drug testing and the drug testing industry. Bill will also be presenting an upcoming free webcast for the EHS Daily Advisor titled “Accidents at Work: Understanding Post-Accident Drug Testing in the Age of Legal Pot Use,” on Tuesday, April 28, at 2 PM Eastern time.