eCommerce Retargeting Strategies (E146)


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The Business Of eCommerce


Show Notes: Places to retarget: Facebook/InstagramGoogle DisplayGoogle Search Length to Retarget: 7 days to start Visitors to Retarget: Visitors no add to cart (last 7 days)Add to cart with no purchase (last 7 days)Initiate checkout with no purchase (last 7 days)Purchase (last 7 days) Content to retarget Visitors no add to cart - Product page or product videoAdd to cart with no purchase - Your purchase is waitingInitiate checkout with no purchase - Coupon with urgencyPurchase - Upsells/cross-sells & support Sponsors: Drip – Get a free demo of Drip using this coupon code!Spark Shipping – Dropshipping Automation Software Transcript: Charles (00:00): In this episode of The Business of E-Commerce I talk about retargeting strategies for 2020. This is a business of e-commerce episode, 146. [inaudible] Welcome to the business. E-Commerce the show that helps e-commerce retailers start launch and grow the e-commerce business. I'm your host, Charles [inaudible] I'm here today to talk about retargeting strategies. This is a topic that I want you for a while and I've been building. So I wanted to dig into a four-part tale. I'll kind of lay them out different places to retarget the length to retire guest type of visitors, to retarget, and also the content you should use in your retargeting strategy. Also, just note, if you're watching the video currently moving the office right now. So excuse the background, it's a little different today and hopefully I'll be back and have a better set up pretty soon, but let's get started. I want to kind of jump into the first point here, different places to retarget. Charles (01:04): So first this is 2020, and currently there's several places where you want to run your retargeting ads and I'll list them in order of where I would start if I was running a new retargeting campaign today. So number one, Facebook, Instagram, it's kind of your social platform. It's the first one. I'd probably choose to start a retargeting campaign. And depending on what creative you use, it's very easy to post it also on Instagram. So that's probably the first place I would just get started with retargeting. Next up the Google display network, Google display is banners. That sort of thing, everything that's not searched, let's call it. That's the general other one. Normally I would not recommend the display network except for retargeting campaign. When you're getting started. The great part is you can spend far less per impression, still get your name out there. You'll still be in front of an audience, but you won't have to spend the same, you know, search CP social CPC display really just gets you a lot of impressions and a lot of brand awareness that you can use to kind of expand your reach. Charles (02:17): So that's always, probably the second place I would recommend to start. Third place is Google search, but search for retargeting, right? So you can, you can show search ads only to folks that have already been on your site. So that's the third place. Each one's a little more complicated, but what I do there is when you're setting up Google retargeting search ads, you'll add your audience. We'll get into this in a bit, but once you have your audience, you can also add in search terms. So if you're selling a particular product, you know, the audience has been to your site and you come up with some search terms that sound very familiar to, you know, that if someone is typing in these, they're thinking of your industry. So if you're selling life S you're a life vest retailer, someone's typing in terms about some nautical terms, terms of all boats in terms of the ocean, the tide fishing. Charles (03:13): That's when you want to show your life S every targeting. So you can really get inside their head. And, you know, if there anything having to do with boats, Marine, anything like that, that's when you want to fire those ads. So search is the other great option,