Electronic Signature – made in Canada. Episode 16


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  1)  What is a e-signature? 2)  How does Signority prove that a person signed a document? 3)  What kind of security is in place? 4)  Made in Canada. 5)  Ease of use. 2)  Endorsed by CSIO. 3)  Special offer. Speaker: Jane He - CEO/Founder at Signority. Jane has been in the hi-tech industry for 25 years. She has lived in three continents, born and raised in Shanghai, received her graduate degree in Europe have been working as a hi-tech professional since 1996 in Canada. She worked at Nortel and several other large companies until 2010, when she started Signority. Over the last 10 years, Signority has made several significant milestones: in 2016, the Department of National Defense of Canada has successfully deployed that platform, through the federal government innovation program, and, for the first time in history, Signority helped the Government of Canada eSign the first MoU with the Government of Great Britain. Special offer: 10% discount off of the web listing price for the first year of a subscription. Just email support@signority.com or call 1-833-222-1088 and mention Financial Podcast.