Elisa Hays - Getting Booked at Fairs, Festivals, and NSA


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Speaking... of Getting Booked


Ep #08 - Elisa Hays, an international speaker and entrepreneur, joins the show today for an interview to discuss how to get booked to speak by fairs and festivals as well as how to bring a performance based speech. Additionally, we explore what it takes to get booked into associations relating to the fair industry such as the IAFE (International Association of Fairs and Exhibitions). Elisa is the president of the National Speaker Association's Northwest Chapter and we even discuss how to get booked to speak there.  Elisa began speaking, training and business consulting in 1999 while building "Let’s Pretend Entertainment," a family-centric theater company where fairs and festivals would bring her in along with her speakers to put on entertaining shows with high audience engagement. Elisa eventually sold that business after 15 years of speaking and putting on shows. Elisa also shares very candidly about her life changing moment being hit by a semi truck going 65 mph while she was standing still. It's an incredible story of overcoming, leadership, resilience, and sacrifice. Listen in, I promise you will be transformed because of it. She is amazing, and you will love this interview! Learn More About Elisa Hays, Get Her Book, and Visit Her Website: Get Elisa Hays' Book "Letters to My Daughter" on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Letters-My-Daughter-collection-mentoring-ebook/dp/B07RM8PMTV Listen to Elisa's "Letters to My Daughter" Podcast: https://elisahays.com/podcast/ Visit Elisa Hays' Website: https://elisahays.com/ Follow Elisa Hays on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elisahays LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elisahays/ Please subscribe, rate, and review the show on iTunes and any other podcast platform that you listen through. Your support and reviews help this show to attract prolific guests and to provide the best listening experience possible. I love to hear from fans and listeners of my podcasts. Please share your feedback, guest suggestions, or ideas for future show topics with me on social media. Facebook: https://facebook.com/mattbrauning Instagram: https://instagram.com/mattbrauning Twitter: https://twitter.com/mattbrauning Visit the podcast website at: https://evolutionpodcast.com/speakingofgettingbooked/ Get a copy of my new book, "The Firebox Principle," on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Firebox-Principle-Drives-Every-Entrepreneur-ebook/dp/B07FDKK9QW