English Language Proficiency: Parts of Speech in English Grammar - 3


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English Language proficiency: Parts of Speech in English Grammar

Language comes before Grammar!

Grammar is an attempt to describe a language. Hence, the language stands supreme and we as subordinates depend on the grammar of the language to access its virtues and mysticism. To Master the English Language, we need to understand how it works and what makes it work.

Don't live under the impression that you have understood Parts of Speech and no longer need a look back to the concept. Mastering them means mastering the language; that is tough to declare!

As each language has its own alphabet, it also has its own grammar. For English, all the words we see are divided into nine classes or categories. These classes are called Parts of Speech. The dictionaries we use always mention the category of the word and tell us if a word is used in multiple categories of the Parts of Speech. 

Knowing the grammar of a language will not enable fluency in your speaking or writing, but it helps. Knowing the functions of the elements of language (i.e. words) helps us in their appropriate and accurate use.

This preamble is necessary so as to make us read the definitions and explanations as a new thing; devoid of the stereotyping that happened to us at schools.

