Enneagram and Parenting Insights from the Olricks [S03-041]


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Religion & Spirituality

What better way to wrap up our series on Enneagram and Parenting, than with a rich conversation with parenting experts, Amy and Jeffrey Olrick, Ph.D. Dr. Olrick is a clinical psychologist who has worked with children and families for over 20 years. Amy is an author and human rights advocate whose work and writing has been featured in the Guardian and USA Today. Together, they run GrowingConnected.com, offering scientifically grounded and faith-informed resources for parents. Today we discuss: How the Enneagram can help parents identify and live into their strengths What the 6 Needs of Every Child are and how they feather with the Enneagram Co-parenting to meet the needs of your children with balance Tune in for some great parenting insights on connecting with your children.