Ep 035 Interview with Senne Mennes, a co-founder of ClauseBase


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Legal Tech StartUp Focus Podcast


Episode 35 of the Legal Tech StartUp Focus Podcast — Interview with Senne Mennes, a co-founder of ClauseBase In this episode of the Legal Tech StartUp Focus Podcast (www.legaltechstartupfocus.com/podcast), your host, Charlie Uniman, interviews Senne Mennes, a co-founder of ClauseBase.  On its website (www.clausebase.com), ClauseBase speaks of itself as “.  .  .  [going] beyond simple template editors, offering you all the power you need to draft complex documents.” Here are some of the topics that Charlie and Senne discuss in this episode: How did Senne find his way to co-founding a legal tech startup? What does ClauseBase’s product offering do for lawyers? In what markets does ClauseBase make its product offering available? What marketing and sales channels has ClauseBase found most success (and what such channels have been less successful)? What is ClauseBases’s process for successful customer onboarding? How does ClauseBase avoid becoming “shelfware?” Of what business successes is Senne most proud?