Ep. 10 "Overnight" success: Journey from TCS to Facebook


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Ab Aage Kya?


In this week's episode, we interact with Utkarsh Maheshwari, a new recruit at the Facebook headquarters. But that isn't the most interesting part; what's interesting is the story of his "overnight" success. After facing some issues in getting an engineering branch of his choice, Utkarsh finally joined Chemical engineering at the Manipal Institute of Technology, which launched him into his journey through a few attempts at CAT, a two-year job at TCS, a masters in the US, another job, lots of hard work and finally a call to interview for a job at Facebook. A standard overnight success story, if you may. Join us in this action-packed 50-minute adventure where we talk about college GPAs, company interviews, master's course and college selection, and much more.