EP 104 What Remains?


Listens: 8

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast

Society & Culture

Today we are talking about what comes after you regain control of your habits and break the cycle of unconscious actions and buffering. We have spent a lot of time in previous episodes on the subject of buffering and how important it is to live with intention rather than through fearful and avoidant reaction. But when we are able to get a hold of our choices and live more consciously, what remains?

The first thing you may notice is more time and energy available to you. This should come as no surprise, as cutting out time-consuming and draining activities would clearly lead to an increase in those valuable commodities. Another, probably less attractive, the result will be discomfort. Again, this is foreseeable, as our buffering habits are ways to avoid and protect ourselves from certain types of discomfort in our lives.

If we are able to accept this reality and grow strong in that discomfort, which is an essential part of being alive, it is then that we are able to step into our purpose. It is then that we are able to truly exist and to begin to create with our true selves. This need to create is central to what it means to be human, and the connection between our thoughts and our creative actions is what makes us what we are. Tune in today, brothers, to find out more about getting in touch with this essence and elevating your alpha!