EP 105: The Universal Truth 2.0


Listens: 13

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast

Society & Culture

Today we are revisiting the concept of the universal truth and building out our understanding of it, but be prepared that what you are going to hear is not common sense. We are conditioned to fear things, and this negatively impacts our lives because it results in us having victim mentalities and, turns out, a host of other problems.

In this episode, I explain the universal truth of how life works, and it comes down to understanding that all circumstances are neutral and that it is we who ascribe meaning to them. We give meaning to situations by having thoughts about them; thoughts that come from our subjectivity. Our thoughts impact our body and emotions, which then dictate our behavior and actions, in turn determining the results we get! What then happens is that the results always somehow reinforce our beliefs, setting the process in motion again.

What you have to understand is that the law of mind and belief is completely neutral. It acts according to the objective law and your subjective will, desire, and choice. The law, therefore, works according to your decisions and is a natural power that you can leverage for your benefit.

But if this is true, why don’t we all have massive wealth and optimum health or the relationships we want? Because of the fear we have been conditioned into and our limiting beliefs. Even if you have all the right thoughts, if you fail to cultivate the beliefs, your aspirations will not come to fruition. Join me for discussions on all of this, and more!