Ep 13: You're Not On A Hamster Wheel Anymore (feat. Megan Hamilton, Steph & Lianne Saffer)


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Real Talk | Real Change


We've committed to connecting with local entrepreneurs during the era of coronavirus, and our special series continues, kicking off with Megan Hamilton: longtime buddy of Shannon, and owner of Glam Beauty Bar, a one-stop make-up and beauty hub. Next we check in with Steph and Lianne, the former being an acupuncturist and creator of Optimize You, and the latter a hairstylist. Both of these badasses instruct at BurnCycle, and they're also partners in life (with great hair). How are these three very different women coping with COVID? Elisha and Shannon talk corona-babies, dealing with depression during dark times, and what we want our kids to remember when they look back on this period in 20 years' time. Also, find out if Shannon's husband, Joe, really did end up eating cheeseburgers with the rad sex workers of Boober Eats, and if Elisha's 7 year old son will ever grow up to be Bradley Cooper. Plus, find out how you can get a whopping 80% off a health and mental wellness course offered by Optimize You (that's a whole 20% total, math nerds!). Totally perfect for folk who never seem to have the time to prioritize themselves (hot tip: now you do). Don't chuck out all your healthy habits just because we're experiencing a crisis, y'all.