Ep. 139: Your Body is Always Right


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We're Talkin' Shift


Right now, the realization that humans don’t know everything is staring us in the face. We’ve been trained to rely on external sources like the Western medical system to bring us optimal health & wellness. Dr. Cassie Huckaby was forced to question what she was learning in med school when she developed autoimmune disease after a round of routine shots. Suddenly, her own health was not a reflection of someone who should help others heal. Dr. Cassie’s journey back to health required invoking the internal wisdom that our bodies will tell us what heals them. Now a naturopathic physician, she encourages us to ask ourselves what we believe & why we believe it. Warning—this may require us to admit that we’re scared, confused, or hurting. But true healing isn’t supposed to be pretty! In humanity there’s no good or bad. That quest for perfection in health or any other area is a self-induced torture. We must become actually aware of what creates health & what creates disease in the body. The irony of true healing is that it demands imperfection & an understanding of unconditional love. Dr. Cassie calls it quantum medicine—acknowledging that our mind, soul, & neurology all impact the physical body. That’s how you make a shift towards optimal health! To shop Grit Natural Medicine or schedule an appointment with Dr. Cassie, visit GritNaturalMedicine.com. Follow her on Instagram @dr.cassiehuckaby. To schedule a private coaching session with me visit LoreeBischoff.com. My book ‘Common Sense Happiness’ is available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2GIQOPF & you can get The Foodprint Plan here: https://bit.ly/2ORE8dP. Subscribe on YouTube for the latest videos: https://bit.ly/3lasF3e.