EP 15: How to crush your to-do list EVERY SINGLE DAY!


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Leader of the Pax


Let’s be real here...checking off your entire to-do list in one day is something we all want but it rarely something that happens. But what if we looked at accomplishing tasks differently? What if we looked at crushing our to do list by acknowledging the activities that bring us JOY? You might think this episode is going to teach you how to check off your to-do’s but it’s actually going to help you re-align your priorities and remind you to find gratitude in EVERYTHING that you do throughout the day, including the activities that you poo-poo. This week I have balance queen, April Mosebrook, on the podcast. This gal does it ALL. She’s a mom, life partner, volunteer, girl scout leader, yoga teacher, lead singer/manager of her own band, a Musical Theater fanatic, works part-time in marketing, is in the middle of a remodel and still has time to work out and meditate…LITERAL ROCKSTAR. This courageous mama started her very own company called Bucket List Broadway! Which is a weekend workshop where people can practice their musical theater ability. At the end of the workshop, the participants put on a performance for friends and family! April started her passion project, Bucket List Broadway, after many years of working as a pharma rep. She had a burning desire to launch a business that combined her love of music, theater, performing, and inspiring others. April and I talked about a lot of good stuff. But one of my biggest takeaways from the episode was about how April looks at her day’s accomplishments. Like HOW DOES SHE MANAGE ALL OF THIS STUFF!? When I asked her about managing her daily to do’s, she responded with, ”you have to consider what you mean by accomplishing things, it might not be on the to list, but it might be something that popped up that brought you joy, and that can be considered an accomplishment.” WOW. When’s the last time you recognized JOYFUL tasks like taking your dog for a walk, cooking a delicious meal, having a meaningful conversation as an ACCOMPLISHMENT? We also discussed how to make your dreams happen while having a full plate. She mentions evaluating your current activity list. What are the things that bring joy? Keep them. What are the things that are taking up space and no longer serve you? Let them go. So then you can carve out time to start doing whatever you’re passionate about. Want to step on stage with April? She is offering 20% off JUST FOR YOU! Mention Leader of the Pax at checkout! The next event is on 1/25-1/26. You can get in touch with April by emailing her at bucketlistbroadway@gmail.com!