Ep. 158 Pitforks and Smokerings


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Tales from the pits, a Texas BBQ podcast featuring trendsetters, leaders, and icons from the barbecue industry


Isaac Arellano never dreamed he’d one day turn his family’s full service gas station into a BBQ spot, but life has a funny way of working out. After delving into the competition cooking world a bit, Isaac got bit by the barbecue bug and quickly started down the path that has lead so many to retail BBQ in recent years. Along with his wife Ashley, Isaac began to explore the idea of selling the barbecue he was working so hard to produce in his backyard. This along with encouraging words from his dad Cruz eventually lead to the opening of Pitforks and Smokerings BBQ in Slaton, a small town just outside of Lubbock. In a few short years after opening and the Arellanos have received not only local support but been recognized by Texas Monthly and others for the quality of their barbecue. With Ashley making sides and helping run service, Isaac smoking the meats and a small but dedicated crew helping out, the Arellano family is producing quality BBQ in the building where Isaac grew up. Instagram: pitforks_and_smokerings_bbq Pitforks & Smokerings BBQ 1808 US Highway 84 Slaton, TX 79364 Hours of operation Thu-Sat: 11-4 or sell out Sun: 11-2 or sell out Closed the first Sunday of each month