Ep. 164: Wife of the Trey


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Fully Integrated Geeks: The FIGcast

TV & Film

(0:01:30) Blu Rays: (Mad Max Collector's Edition), (0:02:00) Coming Attractions: (Hot Pursuit), (0:02:45) Box Office: Avenging FTW!, (0:10:15) TV Talk: Game of Thrones loses a major character, Flash goes Grodd, SHIELD is getting a bit protracted, (0:39:55) Darren: finished Future Crimes, more Voyager, deeper into cryptocoin rabbit hole, (0:58:30) Tripp: graduation, (1:01:40) Trey: workin' for on the weekend, has another podcast, (1:09:50) Age of Ultron in-depth, with surprise guest wife-of-the-Trey Sarah!