Ep 168 - Caste Census, Muslim Quota Row, Constitution, Dalit Politics with Prof. Dilip Mandal


Listens: 7086

ANI Podcast with Smita Prakash

Society & Culture

Prof. Dilip Mandal is anauthor and a seasoned journalist. He is the former managing editor of India Today Hindi Magazine, and has authored books on media and sociology. 

Often known for talking about the plight of dalits in India, Mandal has often seen himself in controversies for voicing out strong opinions on social media sites like X. 

In this episode of ANI Podcast with Smita Prakash, the senior journalist speaks up about the ongoing Muslim Reservation Row, and why, reservation should not be on the basis on religion. He also speaks up on the important of a caste census in India. He also alleges that Congress has never acted in the intererst of the country's Dalit community.