Ep 2 - Tabadla


Listens: 3593

Dabangi Maya


Maya, as she ventures with three constables to raid an illegal liquor distillery. Unaware of the danger ahead, Maya recalls her father's advice from childhood, "When things happen as per your wish, it's good, but if they don't, it's even better." This thought used to annoy Maya. What could be better if things don't go as planned? Her father would explain that if things don't align with your desires, it's God's will, and God can never wish ill for you. In the current scenario, Maya finds herself puzzled about the goodness behind her posting in the Barampur village, leaving the comforts of the city behind. After meeting Dulari, Maya feels a glimmer of hope, sensing an opportunity to make a difference for girls like Dulari in the village. This realization motivates her. Returning to her room after a long day, she finds all she needs, feeling grateful and falling asleep with a smile, thanking Dulari from the heart.