Ep. 212: Care Werk


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Podcasts - Future Left

News & Politics

This episode is about care work. Child care, elder care, and just... care. It's something that at some point everyone needs, whether its getting their doo doo baby ass wiped or help turning a PDF when you turn 50.For child care, most developed countries have a more human approach to this important labor--extended time off of work for new parents, public child care options, etc. For home care workers more broadly, they remain a uniquely exploited group of workers excluded from traditional labor protections and regulations.This is an example of an episode where we did a lot of reading and research and then had a normal con versation about some related personal experiences. We hope you like it. If you didn't, hit us up at adam@futureleft.org or casey@futureleft.org. Or don't. That sounds awkward. Would be better if you sent us nice words, in my opinion.If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider giving to us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/futureleft If you enjoyed this podcast but can't support us with money, consider helping us get the word out by sharing us on social media or recommending us to a friend.