Ep. 214: Evil Empire (Ft. Alex Press)


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Podcasts - Future Left

News & Politics

Labor journalist Alex Press is joining us this week to talk about her new podcast, Primer, which focuses on Amazon, one of the most exploitative and inescapable corporations on the planet.Listen to Primer Podcast on Jacobin Radio, found on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher Radio, and other podcast platforms. Support Primer on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/primerpodcast.This week we're talking about Amazon, a formless lovecraftian monster slowly devouring the economy industry by industry. What is this leviathan's effect on the broader economy? On workers? ON the environment? And what is to be done: should its various platforms be converted into worker-owned cooperatives, nationalized, or simply abolished?If you enjoyed this podcast, please consider giving to us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/futureleft If you enjoyed this podcast but can't support us with money, consider helping us get the word out by sharing us on social media or recommending us to a friend.