EP 25: Sex Trafficking And Your Family


Listens: 0



In this episode I talk about:• How I started learning about human trafficking• The Listen Hunnay episode with Jeannie Mai and Tera Hilliard that opened my eyes• Why trafficking IS a problem that will knock at your door in some way, shape or form if you're a parent or are a caring adult for other children in your life.• Ways that kids can be trafficked from infant to teens• How adults can be trafficked through dating sites• Why we all need to band together to solve this problem• Organizations you can support, through donations, volunteering or sharing about them. MENTIONED IN THE PODCAST:Forgotten Children Inc.Listen Hunnay Episode with Terra Hilliard ORGANIZATIONS FIGHTING HUMAN TRAFFICKING THAT I SUPPORT:LOVE146.orgSAFEHOUSEPROJECT.orgPOLARISPROJECT.orgUAHT.org LEARN MORE ABOUT ABUSE PREVENTION ATCONSENTPARENTING.com