Ep 26 - Why You Need to Love The Journey - Alex Fit Podcast


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Alex Fit Podcast


In this episode I speak about the importance of enjoying the journey and loving the process of achieving your goals.Show Notes:Intro - The end goal is great but we have to love the journey to appreciate the finish lineJourney - When we get pleasure. The place where  the magic happensSelling - The end goal sells but it leads people down a false path. It encourages short term fixesImpatience - As humans we are impatient. We have information at our figure tip. So when we put this to wanting a goal we want it right awayMarketing - What entices you more? “6 pack on 6 weeks” or “6 pack in 18 months” Setting people up to failPersonal - I have a goal with my business etc but if that is all I cared about I wouldn’t enjoy the now. A client has an end goal but lots of little ones along the way.Being present - Yes it is great to have long term goals but we need to appreciate the current situation we in. Be content about where we currently are. The process of how we get to the long term goal. Broken down yearly/monthly/weekly/dailyhttp://alexfitcleland.com