Ep 31: Taking Your Follow-Up To The Next Level - Why Lead Generation Isn’t Enough


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Real Estate Mastery | Your Path to Financial Freedom


Hello and welcome to Real Estate Mastery - How To Create A Lifestyle That Doesn’t Require Your Presence. Today I wanted to talk about planning, goals, and preparing for the new year.    In November and December, many businesses are beginning to think about where they want their business to be in the upcoming year. This is important for any business owner no matter what industry you are in. It will give you a chance to take a look at your business, measure what is working, and take steps to correct the areas in which you fell short.    Setting Your Goals   Now is a great time to sit back and assess how 2019 went for your business. Look at how things went this year and what you want 2020 to look like. Set goals for yourself and be sure to write them down. Writing them down makes them real and will help to motivate you into achieving them. You should layout your action steps and what you need to do to achieve those goals. You don’t just hope for things to happen - you need to make a plan.    Don’t Wait   Many business owners will begin to relax around the end of the year. They will spend less time marketing and will only think about what they want to do with their business come January 1st. The problem with this is that once January rolls around, they fall back into their routine and the big goals they had laid out, continue to just lay there.    In order to kick off the new year right, you not only need a plan, but you need to start implementing it now. For example, you can get your mailers prepared now so that they are out the door the first week of January. By doing as much as you can to prepare now, you will be able to hit the ground running in 2020.  Personally, some of my best months are in Nov and Dec when other investors are backing off.    What You Can Do Now   There are a number of things that you can do now to get your business ready for the new year.    You can get a head start on your marketing for the new year by planning your mailers to go out consistently and scheduling your social media posts in advance.  You can compile new lists of people to market to so you can start the year off by reaching a new audience You can look at new marketing channels - for us, it has been TV advertising and Val-pak.    By creating your plan for 2020 and beginning to implement your strategy now, you will be able to keep your self one step ahead of all the other investors who may be taking it easy right about now.    Today I challenge you to think about the things you can do for your business today to help you make 2020 even better than 2019. What can you do today to help get yourself there? Do you want to grow your business or find a way to work less and spend more time with your family? Don’t wait until next year to get the wheels in motion, the time to take action is now! Instead of feeling stressed when the new year starts, this way it is already done.  Where I Want To Grow   In 2020, I don’t just want to buy properties, I also want to work with agents in different markets, providing leads and working together to offer multiple selling options to homeowners. I want to be able to provide value to the people I work with and the clients I serve.    Recently, I have become an authorized buyer for Homelight and a licensed agent with EXP Realty. I work with brokers who want to provide multiple resources to the clients they work with. These partnerships provide credibility for me and my business. Sellers will know that they are working with a trusted buyer and agent.    If you are an agent or investor who is looking to differentiate yourself from others in the market, I encourage you to take the Click Funnels 30-day Challenge. When you really put the time and effort into it, you’ll be able to find your ideal client or avatar. You will learn the best way for you to market and attract that person.    If you have questions or topics you would like discussed, don’t be afraid to reach out!    As always, thanks for listening!